Mike Roman Ph.D. MPH MA
Humanizing climate change from the frontlines
National Peace Corps Association
In August 2022, I assumed the role of a member-elected director on the National Peace Corps Association Board of Directors. This opportunity to extend my service to the Peace Corps community, a cause I am deeply dedicated to, has been profoundly humbling and immensely rewarding. Throughout this tenure, I've collaborated with exceptional team members to spearhead fundraising efforts, craft and execute DEI initiatives and engage in lobbying and advocacy endeavors to enhance the Peace Corps globally.
The National Peace Corps Association (NPCA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, serves as a steadfast ally to the entire Peace Corps community, championing their enduring commitment to Peace Corps ideals and nurturing their capacity to effect meaningful change worldwide. The relationship between the Peace Corps and NPCA is not just one of mutual respect and understanding but a symbiotic connection that strengthens both entities. NPCA also recognizes the importance of exercising its independence and advocating for reform within the Peace Corps when warranted by community concerns. This proactive stance, both publicly and privately, fosters constructive dialogue and catalyzes positive change within both organizations. By embracing this dynamic of spirited debate and democratic disruption, NPCA, the Peace Corps, and the broader community are collectively strengthened and enriched.